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Alton Community Unit School District 11

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21st Century Program

Alton Community Unit School District 11 - 21st Century CCLC Programs

Alton Community Unit School District 11 - 21st Century CCLC Programs

Alton Community Unit School District (ACSD #11) is the grantee organization for the 21st Century
Community Learning Centers (CCLC) grant for the district under the Nita M. Lowey 21st CCLC
program funded through the Illinois State board of Education (ISBE). This program, administered
under Cohort 15 in 2014, has been serving students from Eunice Smith Elementary, Lovejoy
Elementary, East Elementary, and Alton Middle School in the Alton Community since the early
2000s. As of June 30, 2024, the program’s cohort grant-cycle ended and continuation funding for
our community has expired. In efforts to reestablish the 21st Century Program in our district, we
will submit an application for grant funds through ISBE by August 16, 2024.