- District
- 2025-2026 One Page School Calendar
- 2024-2025 One Page School Calendar
- 2024-2025 Calendar+Handbook
- Alton High Guidance Department/Transcript Request
- About Alton School District
- Board of Education
- Current Bids
- District Improvement Plan
- Discipline Improvement Plan
- Employment Opportunities
- Food Service
- ISBE Assessment Survey Results Tracker
- New Student Enrollment
- Special Education
- Title I Schools
- Title IX
- Provide below level, on level and above level students with expanded academic opportunities and/or interventions in order to increase achievement level.
- The district, using Title II funding, will strive to keep low-class sizes within board targets.
- Increase student performance and mastery of the new Illinois State Learning Standards as evidenced on the end-of-the-year assessment.
- Integrate K-12 technology resources into classrooms to improve instruction.
- Understanding the important role technology plays in today's student, create an environment where staff eagerly participates in Technology Integration and Professional Development enabling the district to maximize the investment in technology.
- Communicate to the community (business, industry, government, service organizations and the media) the District's efforts to improve instruction, improve student achievement and increase parental involvement.
- Ensure active involvement of all stakeholders in the fulfillment of the District's Mission.
- Maintain financial stability in the District to achieve the most effective and efficient use of taxpayer dollars, while maintaining excellent academic and extracurricular programs.
- While maintaining buildings and grounds of which the community can be proud, develop short and long-range facilities plans, including repairs and improvements, in order to provide an atmosphere conducive to instruction and improved student achievement.