- District
- 2025-2026 One Page School Calendar
- 2024-2025 One Page School Calendar
- 2024-2025 Calendar+Handbook
- Alton High Guidance Department/Transcript Request
- About Alton School District
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- District Improvement Plan
- Discipline Improvement Plan
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- ISBE Assessment Survey Results Tracker
- New Student Enrollment
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- Title I Schools
- Title IX
School Psychologists
School psychologists are school-based mental health professionals who advocate for students; consult with teachers, families, and other school-employed mental health professionals (i.e., school counselors, school social workers) to improve support strategies; work with school administrators to improve school-wide practices and policies; and collaborate with community providers to coordinate needed services. School psychologists chair evaluation teams, assist in completing educational evaluations to determine eligibility for special education and therapy services, and participate in Response to Intervention teams.