- Families
- 2024-2025 One Page School Calendar
- 2024-2025 Calendar+Handbook
- School Supply Lists
- Accelerated Placement for Students
- Breakfast and Lunch Menus
- McKinney Vento Information (District Homeless Plan)
- E-Learning Plan (Remote Learning Plan)
- Elementary and Secondary Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER)
- Erin's Law
- Field Trip Guidelines for Chaperones
- Inclement Weather, E-Learning and School Closures
- Intervention Library
- K-2 Standards Based Grading
- K-5 Family Resources
- Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer (P-EBT)
- Parent Observation Request Form
- Parental Chain of Command
- Registration Information
- Science Fair
- Sexual Abuse Response and Prevention Resource Guide
- Student Attendance and Mental Health Days
- SunBucks - USDA
- Transportation
- Voluntary Student Accident Insurance
- Wellness Policy
- Young Authors
Accelerated Placement for Students
The District provides an Accelerated Placement Program (APP). The APP advances the District’s goal of providing educational programs with opportunities for each student to develop to his or her maximum potential. The APP provides an educational setting with curriculum options usually reserved for students who are older or in higher grades than the student participating in the APP. APP options include, but may not be limited to: (a) accelerating a student in a single subject; (b) other grade-level acceleration; and (c) early entrance to kindergarten or first grade. Participation in the APP is open to all students who demonstrate high ability and who may benefit from accelerated placement. It is not limited to students who have been identified as gifted and talented.
Link to Complete Board Policy: